Friday, July 29, 2016


Tiger, o tiger
you are a fierce fighter.
Your roar, your stripes
they are one in a million types.

You scratch, you pounce
your attacks makes our hearts bounce.
But there is still a mystery
Why some want to make you history.

When your skin is on you, it's flame
and on some walls, it is a shame.
Taking away your teeth and skin is theft,
is this the cause for only thousand left?

People, want to shoot a tiger,
take the camera, forget the trigger
because the pride of our nation
may not get another incarnation.

                                                  - Animesh Deeptanshu Das

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thursday, August 29, 2013

And some more

ADDas has finally allowed me to click pictures of pages in his drawing pad. Before he changes his mind again, here are some of the drawings for you  to see.

A Rainy Day

My Colorful World of Imagination

Ninja Turtle
A Boat Ride
Kite Flying

A Pencil Sketch

Animesh did not want me to share his drawings online. He thought they were no good. So, I had not been posting on his behalf.

This Wednesday was a holiday and he sat down with his sketch pad. He spent over an hour on this pencil sketch. I think he really loves this piece. He wanted to take it to school today and paste it on his classroom's creative corner board. And he asked me to click a picture of it as a memory.

I thought - why not share it on his blog! My little boy is finally growing up. I liked the sketch. Hope you do too. Maybe he will learn to shape the utensils better soon.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


                                                self composed poem 


Trees , what are they ?
Friend or foe?
Whatever they are ,
let them grow.

They give us food,
they give us air.
Their wood is 
found everywhere.

They bring us rain
and give us a life full of pleasure.
They survive all the pain
and are yet the greatest treasure.

So trees mean life
and life means trees.
more trees more life
no trees no life.

                 by Animesh Deeptanshu Das

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Animesh Paints

This one was shot in 2009 when Animesh was learning to paint for the first time.